CSS Selectors Playground

An interactive playground for learning and testing CSS selectors in a visual way.


  • Type (node name)

    The type selector matches elements based on their type.

  • CSS Class

    The .class selector selects all elements with the given class name.

  • ID

    The #id selector matches the element with the given id.

  • Universal (any)

    The universal selector * matches elements of any type.

  • Root

    The :root pseudo-class matches the root element of a document, for HTML documents this is always the html element.

    The selector is often used to define global CSS custom properties.


  • Selector List

    The selector list , is a list of CSS selectors separated by commas. It selects all the elements that match any of the selectors in the list.

  • Descendant

    The descendant combinator matches an element that is a descendant of another specified element.

  • Direct Child

    The child combinator > matches elements if they are direct children of the element on the left side of the combinator.

  • Adjacent Sibling

    The adjacent sibling combinator + matches if the second element immediately follows the first element.

  • General Sibling

    The general sibling combinator ~ matches the elements that are siblings of a given element. It is similar to the adjacent sibling combinator, but it doesn't require the elements to be immediately after each other.


  • Not

    The :not(selector list) pseudo-class matches elements that do not match any of the selectors in the selector list.

  • Has

    The :has(selector list) pseudo-class function matches an element if any of the selectors passed as parameter match at least one element.

    The selector is currently not supported in Firefox.

  • Is

    The :is(selector list) pseudo-class function accepts a list of selectors as argument. It matches all elements that match any of the selectors passed as arguments.

    The selector is currently not supported in Firefox.

  • Where

    The :where(selector list) pseudo-class function accepts a list of selectors as argument. It matches all elements that match any of the selectors passed as arguments.

    The selector is currently not supported in Firefox.


  • Attribute presence

    The [attribute] selector matches elements that have the specified attribute, regardless of its value.

  • Attribute value

    The [attribute=value] selector matches all elements that have the specified attribute with a value exactly equal to a certain value.

  • Attribute value starts with

    The [attr^=value] selector matches all elements with the specified attribute whose value starts with a certain value.

  • Attribute value ends with

    The [attr$=value] selector matches all elements with the specified attribute whose value ends with with a certain value.

  • Attribute value contains

    The [attribute*=value] selector matches all elements that have the specified attribute and the attribute value contains the specified substring.

  • Attribute contains value in list

    The [attr~=value] selector matches all elements with the specified attribute whose value contains a list of space-separated values and one of the values is exactly value.

    Note: This is a contrived example. Use the .class selector to select elements by class instead.

  • Attribute contains value in list (hyphen)

    The [attr|=value] selector matches all elements with the specified attribute whose value contains a list of hyphen-separated values and the first value is exactly value.

    Note: This is a contrived example. In practice, you should use the language selector.


  • Hover

    The :hover pseudo-class matches elements that are currently being hovered over by the mouse cursor. This also matches parent elements of the hovered element.

  • Active

    The :active pseudo-class matches elements that are currently activated by the user.

  • Visited

    The :visited pseudo-class matches hyperlinks that you visited before. For privacy reasons, the selector has many limitations. You can only style a limited set of properties, like color. Reading the color value of the element via JavaScript will return the value of an unvisited link. Querying visited links via JavaScript is not possible. In some browsers the styles may even be limited to hyperlinks of the same domain.

  • Focus

    The :focus pseudo-class matches the element that is currently focused. Interactive elements like buttons and links can be focused by default. For non-interactive elements, you can add the tabindex attribute to make them focusable.

  • Focus (visible)

    The :focus-visible pseudo-class matches the element that is currently focused, if the focus state is visible. Whether the focus state is visible depends on the input method used to focus the element and the element itself.

  • Focus (within)

    The :focus-within pseudo-class matches elements that are either focused themselves or have a descendant that is focused.

  • Checked

    The :checked pseudo-class matches checkboxes, radio buttons and select options that are currently checked / selected.

  • Indeterminate

    The :indeterminate pseudo-class matches checkboxes, radio buttons and progress bars in indeterminate state.

  • Enabled

    The :enabled pseudo-class matches elements that are not disabled, like inputs or buttons.

  • Disabled

    The :disabled pseudo-class matches elements that are disabled, like inputs or buttons.

  • Read-only

    The :read-only pseudo-class matches elements that are read-only, i.e. not editable.

  • Default

    The :default pseudo-class matches checkboxes, radio buttons, and select options that are checked/selected by default.

  • Defined

    The :defined pseudo-class matches any element that is defined. This matches standard element built in to the browser and custom elements that have been defined using customElements.define(). Custom elements that have not (yet) been defined will not match this pseudo-class.

  • Target

    The :target pseudo-class uses the URL's fragment (the part of the URL after the # symbol) and finds the element with this id.

  • Placeholder shown

    The :placeholder-shown pseudo-class matches elements with a placeholder text that is currently visible.

  • Autofill

    The :autofill pseudo-class matches an input if it has been autofilled by the browser.


  • In Range

    The :in-range pseudo-class matches elements whose value is within a range specified by the min and max attributes.

  • Out of Range

    The :out-of-range pseudo-class matches elements whose value is out of a range specified by the min and max attributes.

  • Valid

    The :valid pseudo-class matches elements that are in a valid state.

  • Invalid

    The :invalid pseudo-class matches elements that are in an invalid state.

  • User Valid

    The :user-valid pseudo-class is similar to :valid, but it only matches elements in a valid state after the user has interacted with them.

  • User Invalid

    The :user-inalid pseudo-class is similar to :invalid, but it only matches elements in an invalid state after the user has interacted with them.

  • Required

    The :required pseudo-class matches input elements that are required.

  • Optional

    The :optional pseudo-class matches input elements that are optional.


  • Empty

    The :empty pseudo-class matches elements that have no content.

  • Language

    The :lang() pseudo-class matches elements based on the language of their content.


  • First Child

    The :first-child pseudo-class matches an element that is the first child element of its parent.

  • Last Child

    The :last-child pseudo-class matches an element that is the last child element of its parent.

  • Only Child

    The :only-child pseudo-class matches an element if it's the only child of its parent. It's the short form of :first-child:last-child.

  • First Of Type

    The :first-of-type pseudo-class matches the first element of its type among siblings.

  • Last Of Type

    The :last-of-type pseudo-class matches the last element of its type among siblings. If no type is provided, it will match the last element of any type.

  • Only Of Type

    The :only-of-type pseudo-class matches an element if it's the only element of its type among its siblings.

  • Position nth-child()

    The :nth-child() pseudo-class matches elements based on their position among a group of siblings, starting with 1 as the first element.

  • Position nth-child(n)

    The :nth-child() pseudo-class supports a counter variable n which starts at 0 and increments by 1 for every element.

    The first result is 3n = 3 * 0 = 0 which doesn't match any element (because the first element is 1). The second result is 3n = 3 * 1 = 3 which matches the third element in the list.

  • Position nth-child(odd)

    The :nth-child(odd) selector matches all odd elements.

  • Position nth-child(even)

    The :nth-child(even) selector matches all even elements.

  • Position nth-child(n) with offset

    The :nth-child() pseudo-class supports a counter variable n which starts at 0 and increments by 1 for every element. It allows you to define an offset before matching the first element.

  • Position nth-child(n) with limit

    The :nth-child() pseudo-class supports a counter variable n which starts at 0 and increments by 1 for every element. It allows you limit the number of elements being matched.

  • Position nth-child(n of <selector>)

    The :nth-child() pseudo-class supports an of <selector> syntax. It finds the elements matching the specified selector and then matches the elements based in their position in that filtered set of elements.