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CSS Selectors

User Invalid


The :user-inalid pseudo-class is similar to :invalid, but it only matches elements in an invalid state after the user has interacted with them.

Validation on blur

An invalid input is considered user-invalid if the user changes the value and then commits the change by leaving the input field.

  • Clear the value and keep the input focused, the selector will not match
  • Leave the input field to let the selector match

Re-validation on change

After the :user-invalid pseudo-class has been applied, it will revaliate the input on every change and not just on blur.

  • Clear the value and leave the input field to let the selector match
  • Enter a value to trigger revalidation immediately
  • Clear the value again to trigger revalidation immediately

Form Submit

If the user submits a form, all invalid inputs are considered user-invalid even if the user hasn't interacted with them.

  • Submit the form with the invalid email address